Sometimes Different Approaches are the Best


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I always thought about things in a traditional way. How can we solve problems and approach our life issues in different ways that can actually lead us to a better result? First, I found that the design-thinking workshop was extremely unusual and unfamiliar. Generally speaking, when people confront problems, they always hinder their thinking as they don’t engage with others and talk to different people. However, this indeed may be very helpful. During the workshop, our conversation with our partner guided us to the start of the solution. Engaging with others can be considered as an inspiration to solve our problems. I found the next step also very beneficial as defining the problem is the key. Then coming up with many ideas was the most important and useful step. This is actually called fluency one needs to write any idea that comes to mind, even if it seems useless. On the other hand, those initially useless ideas can act as an inspiration to other useful ideas. During the workshop, sketching was a bit strange at the beginning; nonetheless, when my partner started interpreting the drawings she came up with some totally new ideas that helped a lot in generating the solution. Mostly, people limit themselves between one or two ideas, which hinders them from reaching a different and better outcome. Thinking as an innovative and creative thinker is the key many doors. At first, I did not know why should we do a prototype but then I thought that this may aid us in building up, organising, and generating other ideas. Generally Speaking, I found this way extremely beneficial as it generated many ideas that are actually solutions to many different problems. Lastly, I have learned a lot from this design thinking workshop as it boosted my creativity. In addition, I learned that if one gets stuck he/she needs to go out seek inspiration from others. Being human centered is very important to be able to develop insights. Furthermore, one needs to be collaborative so he/she would be able to approach problems from different perspectives. I figured out that seeing things from different angles will definitely lead us to a better place. As clear as crystal, no one can make a change without action so one needs to get up, go out and discover new things differently.

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